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Over 175 subject matter experts in professions such as medicine, church ministry, archaeology and diplomacy have authored over 300 Link issues since 1968.
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- Anti-Zionism Is Not Anti-Semitism, And Never Was
- Apartheid...Israel's Inconvenient Truth
- Apartheid Israel
- Apartheid West Bank
- A Polish Boy in Palestine
- A Prophet Speaks in Israel
- Arab-Israeli Encounter in Jaffa
- Arab Defamation in the Media
- Arab Oil and the Zionist Connection
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- Arms Buildup in the Middle East
- A Special Kind of Exile
- A Style Sheet on the Palestinian-Israeli Conflict
- A Survivor for Whom Never Again Means Never Again [An Interview with Israel Shahak]
- At Stake in UNRWA's 1971 Budget
- Avraham Burg: Apostate or Avatar?
- Can Palestine Bring Israeli Officials before the International Criminal Court?
- Captive Audiences: Performing in Palestine
- Carter Administration & the Middle East
- Ceasefire Now...Silence = Death
- Censored
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- Churches Plan for Refugees and Peace
- Church Statement Stresses Mideast Needs
- Cocaine, Cutouts: Israel's Unseen Diplomacy
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- Concern Grows in U.S. Over Israeli Policies
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- Covert Operations: The Human Factor
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- In The Beginning...
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- Publish It Not
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- The Day FDR Met Saudi Arabia’s Ibn Saud
- The Decolonizing of Palestine Towards a One-State Solution
- The Demographic War for Palestine
- The Disabled in the Arab World
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- The Grief Counselor of Gaza
- The Hundred Years’ War on Palestine
- The Immorality Of It All
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- The Lasting Gift of Christmas
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- The Making of a Non-Person
- The Making of Iraq
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- The Middle East on the US Campus
- The Murder of Alex Odeh
- The Muslim Experience in the US
- The Neocons... They're Back
- The New Israeli Law: Will It Doom the Christian Mission in the Holy Land?
- The Olive Trees of Palestine
- The Palestine-Israel Conflict in the US Courtroom
- The Palestinians
- The Palestinians in America
- The Palestinians Speak. Listen!
- The Politics of Archaeology - Christian Zionism and the Creation of Facts Underground
- The Post-Handshake Landscape
- The Post-War Middle East
- The Presidential Candidates: How They View the Middle East
- The Second Gaza
- The Shadow Government
- The Shi'i Muslims of the Arab World
- The Sorrow of Lebanon
- The Syrian Community on the Golan Heights
- The Time for Pious Words is Over
- The US Press and the Middle East
- The US Role in Israel's Arms Industry
- The USS Liberty Affair
- The Vatican, US Catholics, and the Middle East
- The West Bank and Gaza
- The West Bank and Gaza: The Emerging Political Consensus
- The Window Dressers: The Signatories of Israel's Proclamation of Independence
- The Yemen Arab Republic: From Behind the Veil
- Timeline for War
- Today’s Via Dolorosa
- Tourism in the Holy Land
- Toward a More Open Middle East Debate
- U. S. Aid to Israel: The Subject No One Mentions
- Uninhabitable: Gaza Faces Moment of Truth
- Unity Out of Diversity: United Arab Emirates
- UN Struggles for Mideast Peace
- UPDATED: The Latest on the Suspected Murderers of Alex Odeh
- US-Israeli-Central American Connection
- US-Israeli Relations: A Reassessment
- US Aid to Israel
- US Aid to Israel
- US Middle East Involvement
- War Plan Ready If Peace Effort Fails
- Welcome to Nazareth
- What Happened to Palestine?: The Revisionists Revisited
- What in God’s Name is going on?
- What Israel's Best Friend Should Know
- What Price Israel?
- Wheels of Justice
- When Legend Becomes Fact
- When War Criminals Walk Free
- Where Is The Palestinian Gandhi?
- Who Are the "Canaanites"? Why Ask?
- Why Divestment? Why Now?
- Why Do They Hate US?
- Why Visit the Middle East?
- Will '94 Be '49 All Over Again?
- Witness for the Defenseless
- Woman, Life, Freedom
Here's Our Latest Issue...
The Time for Pious Words is Over
June 25, 2024 | Rev. Ashlee Wiest-Laird | Current Issue
Against the unrelenting backdrop of Gaza, The Link issue 57.2 asks, "Where are the voices of the American churches...?" Baptists, Catholics, Evangelicals and Anglicans have all been challenged by the horror of Gaza. We sample from those pulpits and join people of good will everywhere for an end to violence and for the justice that will breed peace. This issue's pages are graced by Sliman Mansour's iconic art, and close by saying goodbye to Fr. Ed Dillon, who was one of a kind. (Authors: Ashlee Wiest-Laird, Gary Burge, Bruce Fisk, David Crump, Wendell Griffen, Allan Aubrey Boesak, and H.E. Michel Sabbah)